四, 4月 25, 24

(02) 27329408
台灣大學 醫學工程學研究所 教授
呂東武 組長
牛津大學 工程科學 博士,1997

個人的研究主要著重在人體神經骨骼系統之生物力學及相關臨床議題與產業應用。透過研究開發創新理論與技術,在人體動作分析、骨科生物力學、運動生物力學及影像生物力學等領域,探索未知的現象、解決待解決的問題,以利提昇臨床醫療與實務應用之品質。歷年共計有143篇SCI期刊論文發表(近五年共有82篇),目前論文被引用共2141次,單一文章被引用最高為433次,以及多項國科會補助之跨領域研究計畫,並多次獲邀於國際會議發表大會演講(Keynote Speech)、獲選國際動作分析學會理事長等殊榮。近年來,亦利用個人特有的人體動作分析技術,投入攜帶型感測器的應用開發,協助產業界提升其於此蓬勃發展產業之競爭力。




(一)、三維動態X光量測技術:為了精確量測活體關節之三維動態運動,以評估各種傷害與手術對關節造成之影響。動作分析領域已發展許多技術,然而很少技術能以非侵入式方法精確測量關節動態運動。個人過去數年致力於結合電腦骨骼模型與平面動態X光系統,發展三維動態X光量測技術以量得活體於承重狀況下,不受到皮膚移動誤差限制之三維精確關節運動。成功發展出一全新的活體關節運動量測技術(WEMS),並用於研究各種功能活動下,正常人、前十字韌帶缺損患者與人工關節患者之膝關節運動;並探討牙科、足部、上肢關節及頸腰椎之相關臨床問題。此外,更結合動作分析系統量化軟組織移動誤差與其誤差模式,並發展皮膚誤差補償方式,廣獲世界各研究團隊與商用軟體採用,於該領域居世界領先地位。以此研究為基礎,目前正整合客製化關節有限元素模型,以精確之關節三維運動為邊界條件,挑戰生物力學中最迷人的估算活體內力問題,包括關節面接觸力與內力等。上述相關研究成果於近五年業已產出SCI論文13篇,其中包括醫學影像領域SCI優良期刊Medical Physics (IF=2.911)以及生物力學領域最重要期刊Journal of Biomechanics (IF=2.716)等國際期刊。

(二)、小兒骨科研究:台大醫院是我國小兒骨科重鎮,守護我國未來主人翁。個人為骨科合聘教授,特別投入相關研究。利用立體攝影系統結合三維電腦數學模型之技術,進行一系列臨床研究,協助臨床診斷或釐清病理。相關臨床議題包括腦性麻痺、髖關節脫臼及髖臼發育不良等常見之小兒骨科疾病。其中早期矯正發展性髖關節發育異常(DDH),一般認為可以減少股骨頭缺血性壞死及退化性關節炎等嚴重併發症。Pemberton’s osteotomy可調整髖臼容積與覆蓋方向而使異常的髖關節得以重獲較佳的幾何關係,因此被廣泛用於早期治療DDH。然文獻指出,接受Pemberton’s osteotomy的DDH患者仍有較高的機率發生股骨頭缺血性壞死及退化性髖關節炎。至今尚未有文獻針對接受Pemberton’s osteotomy的DDH患者走路時下肢受力進行研究,以釐清其患病風險之原因。個人與研究團隊利用三維步態分析技術,量測接受Pemberton’s osteotomy治療單側DDH之青少年與健康控制組走路時下肢的受力情形。結果發現,Pemberton組雙腳之髖、膝、踝關節最大軸向力皆顯著高於控制組,且其地面反作用力與髖關節軸向力的受力率亦明顯較高,顯示Pemberton組的雙腳都有可能提早發生關節炎的風險。倘若患側髖關節於術後尚有覆蓋率不足或關節表面受破壞的情況,則關節較大的軸向力亦會導致股骨頭缺血性壞死的發生。因此,定期監控步行受力情形極為重要。本系列研究成果於近五年業已產出SCI論文10篇,其中包括骨科領域SCI傑出期刊Journal of Orthopaedic Research (IF=2.875)及Journal of Biomechanics (IF=2.716), Gait and Posture (IF=1.969)等生物力學及步態分析領域最重要之頂尖期刊。

(三)、神經系統疾病相關研究:神經系統疾病一向為複雜度較高之臨床議題,舉凡脊髓損傷、帕金森氏症、中風等相關中樞或周邊神經系統疾病皆是。神經系統疾病直接影響動作控制與表現。因此,個人所開發結合立體攝影與三維電腦數學模型之技術,可以有效釐清許多臨床的疑問,提升病患的治療品質。其中,中風是老人族群產生慢性功能失調最常見的原因,雖然隨著臨床診斷與治療的進步,患者功能損傷的情況可獲得大幅改善,其功能甚至可恢復至臨床評估工具定義之正常狀態。但是,這類中風患者在執行如跨越障礙物等難度較高的動作時仍有跌倒風險。惟目前臨床上的評估工具尚無法分辨此類細微差異,國際上亦無相關文獻解決此問題。個人利用三維動作分析技術,比較健康者與近似正常中風病患於跨越障礙物時之運動學與力動學表現,並發現近似正常的中風患者採取較保守的策略,使其能安全地跨越障礙物。但是,如果所需的相關肌力不足者,則反而增加向前跌倒的風險。此外,研究結果亦顯示,三維動作分析技術可以作為區別近似正常之中風患者與健康者之間動作表現差異的敏感評估工具。神經系統疾病相關研究成果於近五年業已產出SCI論文11篇,其中包括動作分析領域SCI頂尖期刊Gait and Posture (IF=1.969)、Journal of Biomechanics (IF=2.716),與神經復健領域SCI傑出期刊Neurorehabilitation and Neural Repair (IF=4.617), Physical Therapy (IF=3.245)及American Journal of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation (IF=1.731) 等國際期刊。

(四)、老化相關疾病之研究:隨著老年化社會的來臨,老人醫學相關議題益發受到重視,如退化性關節炎、人工關節置換、老人平衡控制問題等。其中,跌倒是六十五歲以上老人事故傷害死亡的第二大原因,更是老人事故傷害住院的主因,使得社會須付出極大的醫療成本。老化且伴隨上述疾病更會提高跌倒風險。因此,預防老人跌倒是一重要且迫切的議題。在跌倒發生原因中,因障礙物絆倒是老人跌倒的主要原因之一,然其背後機制尚不明朗。因此,個人利用自行開發動作分析技術,探討健康老人行走跨越障礙物時控制策略的改變及可能提高跌倒風險的可能因素。此外,退化性膝關節炎亦是老化常見的問題,患者可能會因疼痛、肌力不足、本體感覺受損、關節活動度降低亦或其他功能損傷,而致使因障礙物絆倒的機率增加。但國際上並未有相關文獻探討這類患者跨越障礙物時的控制策略以及可能影響跌倒的因子。個人研究首度發現,為了減少膝關節負荷及疼痛,退化性膝關節炎老人將骨盆前傾以減少膝關節伸展力矩,但卻也付出髖關節伸展力矩以及其他額狀面關節力矩增加的代價,並可能致使發生跌倒的機率提高。相關研究成果於近五年業已發表SCI論文21篇,包括Gait and Posture (IF=1.969) 及Journal of Biomechanics (IF=2.716) 等生物力學及步態分析領域最重要之頂尖期刊。

(五)、三維動態核磁共振攝影技術:近年來核磁共振造影技術的大幅提升,使得核磁共振影像於空間解析度和時間解析度方面皆有了顯著的進步。個人與學生於過去三年來積極與德國Biomedizinische NMR Forschungs GmbH合作,引進目前全世界最先進之二維即時化磁振造影技術,用以替代動態X光系統拍攝關節即時運動之功能。我們團隊運用即時化磁振造影技術以取得受試者之膝關節於屈曲、伸直運動時的二維即時化影像,並且另外取得該受試者於靜態姿勢下的三維核磁共振影像,再結合過去團隊於影像對位技術上的經驗,成功開發一套非侵入式且不具任何輻射曝照的三維動態關節動作量測技術,且驗證該技術於量測活體膝關節運動時之精確度(translation: 1.4 mm; rotation: 1.8°)。該技術居世界領先地位,除已發表於醫學影像領域SCI優良期刊Medical Physics ( IF=2.911)外,並獲得Siemens CEO的肯定與國外研究單位的高度關注。以此研究為基礎可進一步整合核磁共振影像於軟組織結構解析性的優勢,探討活體膝關節於運動時,對應的周圍韌帶、軟骨之形變等重要的生物力學議題。未來,本人與團隊成員將致力於更進一步提升該量測方法之精確度並簡化整體方法流程以縮短重建三維運動所需時間,以期將來能夠達到活體關節四維核磁共振造影(Joint 4D MRI)的終極目標。

* 台大醫學工程研究所 教授

* 身心障礙者輔具工程研究中心 主任

* 台大職能治療學系 合聘教授

* 台大醫學系骨科 合聘教授

* 台大醫學工程研究所 副教授

* 台大醫學工程研究所 助理教授

* 中國醫藥學院物理治療學系 助理教授

* 英國牛津大學聖彼得(St. Peter's)學院暨牛津骨科工程中心(OxfordOrthopaedic Engineering Centre Junior Research Fellow

* 國牛津大學聖希得(St. Hilda's)學院 兼任學院講師

1. Hsieh, H.-J., Lin, H.-C., Lu, H.-L., Chen, T.-Y. and Lu, T.-W.* (2016) Calibration of an Instrumented Treadmill using a Precision-Controlled Device with Artificial Neural Network-Based Error Corrections. Gait & Posture: in press. (SCI)
2. Hsu, W.-C., Liu, M.-W. and Lu, T.-W.* (2016) Biomechanical Risk Factors for Tripping During Obstacle-Crossing with the Trailing Limb in Patients with Type II Diabetes Mellitus. Gait & Posture: 45: 103-109. (SCI)
3. Yang, W.-C., Hsu, W.-L., Wu, R.-M., Lu, T.-W. and Lin, K.-H. (2016) Motion analysis of axial rotation and gait stability during turning in people with Parkinson’s disease. Gait & Posture: 44: 83-88. (SCI)
4. Wang, T.-M., Huang, H.-P., Li, J.-D., Hong, S.-W., Lo, W.-C. and Lu, T.-W.* (2015) Leg and Joint Stiffness in Children with Spastic Diplegic Cerebral Palsy during Level Walking. PLOS ONE, 10(12): e0143967. (SCI)
5. Hsu, W.-C., Wang, T.-M., Lu, H.-L. and Lu, T.-W.* (2015) Anticipatory Changes in Control of Swing Foot and Lower Limb Joints When Walking onto a Moving Surface Travelling at Constant Speed. Gait & Posture: 41(1): 185-191. (SCI)
6. Hong, S.-W., Leu, T.-H., Wang, T.-M., Li, J.-D., Ho, W.-P. and Lu, T.-W.* (2015) Control of body's center of mass motion relative to center of pressure during uphill walking in the elderly. Gait & Posture: 42(4): 523-528. (SCI)
7. Wu, C.-H., Lin, C.-C., Lu, H.-L., Lu, T.-W. and Yeh, L.-S. (2014) Effects of Pelvic and Femoral Positioning on Canine Norberg Angle Measurements and Test-Retest Reliability A Computed Tomography-Based Simulation Study. Biomedical Engineering – Applications, Basis and Communications, 26(6): 1450076. (SCI)
8. Lin, C.-C., Lu, T.-W.*, Wang, T.-M., Hsu, C.-Y., Hsu, S.-J. and Shih, T.-F. (2014) In Vivo Three-Dimensional Intervertebral Kinematics of the Subaxial Cervical Spine During Seated Axial Rotation and Lateral Bending via a Fluoroscopy-to-CT Registration Approach. Journal of Biomechanics: 47(13): 3310-3317. (SCI)
9. Lin, H.-S., Li, J.-D., Chen, Y.-J., Lin, C.-C., Lu, T.-W.* and Chen, M.-H. (2014) Comparison of measurements of mandible growth using cone beam computed tomography and its synthesized cephalograms. Biomedical Engineering Online, 13:133. (SCI)
10. Lin, H.-S., Lu, H.-L., Chen, Y.-J., Lu, T.-W.* and Huang, Y.-D. (2014) Test-Retest Reliability of Morphological Measurements of the Mandible on Cone-Beam Computed Tomography-Synthesized Cephalograms. Journal of Dental Sciences: 10(3): 309-315. (SCI)
11. Yeh, H.-C., Chen, L.-F., Hsu, W.-C., Lu, T.-W., Hsieh, L.-F. and Chen, H.-L. (2014) Immediate efficacy of laterally-wedged insoles with arch support on walking in persons with bilateral medial knee osteoarthritis. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation: 95(12): 2420-2427. (SCI)
12. Kuo, C.-C., Lu, H.-L., L., A., Lu, T.-W.*, Kuo, M.-Y. and Hsu, H.-C. (2014) Three-Dimensional Computer Graphics-Based Ankle Morphometry with Computerized Tomography for Total Ankle Replacement Design and Positioning. Clinical Anatomy, 27(4): 659-668. (SCI)
13. Lin, H.-S., Chen, Y.-J., Li, J.-D., Lu, T.-W.*, Chang, H.-H. and Hu, C.-C. (2014) Measurement of mandibular growth using cone-beam computed tomography: a miniature pig model study. PLOS ONE, 9(5): e96540. (SCI)
14. Shih, K.-S., Chien, H.-L., Lu, T.-W.*, Chang, C.-F. and Kuo, C.-C. (2014) Gait changes in individuals with bilateral hallux valgus reduce first metatarsophalangeal loading but increase knee abductor moments. Gait Posture, 40(1): 38-42. (SCI)
15. Liu, Y.-H., Wang, T.-M., Wei, I.-P., Lu, T.-W.*, Hong, S.-W. and Kuo, C.-C. (2014) Effects of bilateral medial knee osteoarthritis on intra- and inter-limb contributions to body support during gait. Journal of Biomechanics, 47(2): 445-450 (SCI)
16. Liu, W.-J., Hong, S.-W., Liou, D.-Y. and Lu, T.-W.* (2014) Clinical outcomes following sublaminar-trimming laminoplasty for extensive lumbar canal stenosis. European Spine Journal, 23(1): 80-86. (SCI)
17. Lin, C.-C., Lu, T.-W.*, Wang, T.-M., Hsu, C.-Y. and Shih, T.-F. (2014) Comparisons of surface vs. volumetric model-based registration methods using single-plane vs. bi-plane fluoroscopy in measuring spinal kinematics. Medical Engineering and Physics, 36(2): 267-274. (SCI)
18. Hong, S. W., Wu, C. H., Lu, T. W.*, Hu, J. S., Li, J. D., Leu, T. H. and Huang, C. E. (2014) Biomechanical Strategies and the Loads in the Lower Limbs during Downhill Walking with Different Inclination Angles. Biomedical Engineering - Applications, Basis and Communications, 26(6): 1450071. (SCI)
19. Hong, S. W., Wang, T. M., Lu, T. W.*, Li, J. D., Leu, T. H. and Ho, W. P. (2014) Redistribution of intra- and inter-limb support moments during downhill walking on different slopes. Journal of Biomechanics, 47(3): 709-715. (SCI)
20. Hong, S. W., Leu, T. H., Li, J. D., Wang, T. M., Ho, W. P. and Lu, T. W.* (2014) Influence of inclination angles on intra- and inter-limb load-sharing during uphill walking. Gait and Posture, 39(1): 29-34. (SCI)
21. Chien, H. L., Lu, T. W.* , Liu, M. W., Hong, S. W. and Kuo, C. C. (2014) Kinematic and Kinetic Adaptations in the Lower Extremities of Experienced Wearers During High-Heeled Gait. Biomedical Engineering - Applications, Basis and Communications, 26(3): 1450042. (SCI)
22. Chien, H.L., Lu, T. W.* and Liu, M.W. (2014) Effects of long-term wearing of high-heeled shoes on the control of the body's center of mass motion in relation to the center of pressure during walking. Gait Posture, 39(4): 1045-50. (SCI)
23. Chien, H. L., Liu, M. W., Lu, T. W.*, Kuo, C. C. and Chung, P. C. (2014) Inter-joint sharing of total support moments in the lower extremities during gait in narrow-heeled shoes of different heights. Ergonomics, 57(1): 74-85. (SCI)
24. Lin, C. C., Chen, C. C., Chen, Y. J., Lu, T. W.* and Hong, S. W. (2014) A Dental Implant-Based Registration Method for Measuring Mandibular Kinematics Using Cone-Beam Computed Tomography-Based Fluoroscopy. International Journal of Oral & Maxillofacial Implants, 29(4): 798-806. (SCI)
25. Wu, C. H., Lin, C. C., Lu, T. W.*, Hou, S. M., Hu, C. C. and Yeh, L. S. (2013) Evaluation of ranges of motion of a new constrained acetabular prosthesis for canine total hip replacement. Biomedical Engineering Online, 12(1): 116. (SCI)
26. Wang, T. H., Peng, Y. C., Chen, Y. L., Lu, T. W., Liao, H. F., Tang, P. F. and Shieh, J. Y. (2013) A home-based program using patterned sensory enhancement improves resistanceq exercise effects for children with cerebral palsy: A randomized controlled trial. Neurorehabilitation and Neural Repair, 27(8): 684-694. (SCI)
27. Wang, H. C., Li, J. D., Chien, H. L., Hsieh, F. H. and Lu, T. W.* (2013) Muscle recruitment patterns and consistency, and their correlation with motor time during a karate front kick. Biomedical Engineering - Applications, Basis and Communications, 25(6): 1350059. (SCI)
28. Lin, C. C., Zhang, S., Frahm, J., Lu, T. W.*, Hsu, C. Y. and Shih, T. F. (2013) A slice-to-volume registration method based on real-time magnetic resonance imaging for measuring three-dimensional kinematics of the knee. Medical Physics, 40(10): 102302. (SCI)
29. Lin, C. C., Lu, T. W.*, Shih, T. F., Tsai, T. Y., Wang, T. M. and Hsu, S. J. (2013) Intervertebral anticollision constraints improve out-of-plane translation accuracy of a single-plane fluoroscopy-to-CT registration method for measuring spinal motion. Medical Physics, 40(3): 031912. (SCI)
30. Kuo, C. C., Lu, H. L., Lu, T. W.*, Lin, C. C., Leardini, A., Kuo, M. Y. and Hsu, H. C. (2013) Effects of positioning on radiographic measurements of ankle morphology: A computerized tomography-based simulation study. Biomedical Engineering Online. 12(1): 131 (SCI)
31. Kuo, C. C., Chang, C. C., Hsu, H. C., Lu, T. W.* and Tsai, N. Y. (2013) Potocki-Lupski syndrome with teratologic dislocation of the hip: A case report. Journal of Pediatric Orthopaedics Part B, 22(1): 42-44. (SCI)
32. Hu, P. T., Lin, K. H., Lu, T. W., Tang, P. F., Hu, M. H. and Lai, J. S. (2013) Effect of a cane on sit-to-stand transfer in subjects with hemiparesis. American Journal of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 92(3): 191-202. (SCI)
33. Hu, C. C., Lu, T. W.* and Chen, S. C. (2013) Influence of model complexity and problem formulation on the forces in the knee calculated using optimization methods. Biomedical Engineering Online, 12(1): 20. (SCI)
34. Chien, H. L., Lu, T. W.* and Liu, M. W. (2013) Control of the motion of the body's center of mass in relation to the center of pressure during high-heeled gait. Gait and Posture, 38(3): 391-396. (SCI)
35. Chen, H. L., Lu, T. W. and Chou, L. S. (2013) Variability of Inter-joint Coordination Increases during Divided-attention Gait Following Concussion. Journal of Medical and Biological Engineering, in press. (SCI)
36. Chen, G. C., Hu, C. C., Wang, C. H., Lu, T. W. and Hsu, C. Y. (2013) Direct current reactive co-sputter deposition of CrWN films to enhance cutting tool performance. International Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials, 37: 82-89. (SCI)
37. Chen, C. C., Lin, C. C., Lu, T. W., Chiang, H. and Chen, Y. J. (2013) Feasibility of differential quantification of 3D temporomandibular kinematics during various oral activities using a cone-beam computed tomography-based 3D fluoroscopic method. Journal of Dental Sciences, 8(2): 151-159. (SCI)
38. Chen, C. C., Lin, C. C., Chen, Y. J., Lu, T. W.* and Huang, C. Y. (2013) Accuracy assessment of marker-cluster registration method for measuring temporomandibular kinematics using cone-beam computed tomography with fluoroscopy. Journal of Medical and Biological Engineering, 33(5): 443-448. (SCI)
39. Chen, C. C., Lin, C. C., Chen, Y. J., Hong, S. W. and Lu, T. W.* (2013) A method for measuring three-dimensional mandibular kinematics in vivo using single-plane fluoroscopy. Dentomaxillofacial Radiology, 42(1): 95958184. (SCI)
40. Yang, W. J., Hsu, C. Y., Liu, Y. W., Hsu, R. Q., Lu, T. W. and Hu, C. C. (2012) The structure and photocatalytic activity of TiO2 thin films deposited by dc magnetron sputtering. Superlattices and Microstructures, 52(6): 1131-1142. (SCI)
41. Wu, C. H., Lin, C. C., Lu, T. W.* and Yeh, L. S. (2012) Three-dimensional morphometry of native acetabulum in relation to design and implantation of canine total hip replacements. Biomedical Engineering - Applications, Basis and Communications, 24(6): 549-555. (SCI)
42. Lu, T. W.*, Chien, H. L., Chang, L. Y. and Hsu, H. C. (2012) Enhancing the examiner's resisting force improves the validity of manual muscle strength measurements: Application to knee extensors and flexors. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 26(9): 2364-2371. (SCI)
43. Lu, T. W.*, Chen, S. C. and Chiu, H. C. (2012) Best-compromise between mechanical energy expenditure and foot clearance predicts leading limb motion during obstacle-crossing. Gait and Posture, 36(3): 552-556. (SCI)
44. Lu, T. W.* and Chang, C. F. (2012) Biomechanics of human movement and its clinical applications. Kaohsiung Journal of Medical Sciences, 28(2): S13-S25. (SCI)
45. Lu, T. W.* (2012) Science education for tomorrow's health professionals. Kaohsiung Journal of Medical Sciences, 28(2): S1-S1. (SCI)
46. Leu, T. H., Li, J. D., Hong, S. W., Wang, T. M., Huang, S. C. and Lu, T. W.* (2012) Trunk flexion strategy and the loads in the lower limbs when walking up surfaces of different slopes. Biomedical Engineering - Applications, Basis and Communications, 24(4): 295-305. (SCI)
47. Ho, T. J., Chen, S. C., Hong, S. W., Lu, T. W.* and Lin, J. G. (2012) Influence of long-term tai-chi chuan training on standing balance in the elderly. Biomedical Engineering - Applications, Basis and Communications, 24(1): 17-25. (SCI)
48. Chen, S. C., Liing, R. J., Lin, K. H. and Lu, T. W.* (2012) Immediate effects of arm abduction synchronized with breathing movement on the chest wall kinematics in healthy adults. Journal of Medical and Biological Engineering, 32(5): 309-312. (SCI)
49. Chang, C. F., Wang, T. M., Wang, J. H., Huang, S. C. and Lu, T. W.* (2012) Residual gait deviations in adolescents treated during infancy for unilateral developmental dysplasia of the hip using Pemberton's osteotomy. Gait and Posture, 35(4): 561-566. (SCI)
50. Chang, C. F., Shih, K. S., Wang, T. M., Huang, C. H., Huang, S. C. and Lu, T. W.* (2012) Correlations between heelstrike impulsive loading and joint kinematics of the lower extremities during normal level walking. Journal of Mechanics, 28(2): 337-344. (SCI)
51. Yen, C. Y., Lin, K. H., Hu, M. H., Wu, R. M., Lu, T. W.* and Lin, C. H. (2011) Effects of virtual reality-augmented balance training on sensory organization and attentional demand for postural control in people with Parkinson disease: A randomized controlled trial response. Physical Therapy, 91(6): 877-878. (SCI)
52. Yen, C. Y., Lin, K. H., Hu, M. H., Wu, R. M., Lu, T. W. and Lin, C. H. (2011) Effects of virtual reality-augmented balance training on sensory organization and attentional demand for postural control in people with Parkinson disease: A randomized controlled trial. Physical Therapy, 91(6): 862-874. (SCI)
53. Tsai, T. Y.+, Lu, T. W.*,+, Kuo, M. Y. and Lin, C. C. (2011) Effects of soft tissue artifacts on the calculated kinematics and kinetics of the knee during stair-ascent. Journal of Biomechanics, 44(6): 1182-1188. (SCI) 【+: Co-first author】
54. Peng, Y. C.+, Lu, T. W.*,+, Wang, T. H., Chen, Y. L., Liao, H. F., Lin, K. H. and Tang, P. F. (2011) Immediate effects of therapeutic music on loaded sit-to-stand movement in children with spastic diplegia. Gait and Posture, 33(2): 274-278. (SCI) 【+: Co-first author】
55. Ning, Y. L., Li, J. D., Lo, W. C., Huang, C. H., Chang, C. F., Hsieh, F. H. and Lu, T. W.* (2011) Patterns and consistency of muscle recruitment for a karate jab. Biomedical Engineering - Applications, Basis and Communications, 23(1): 75-82. (SCI)
56. Lin, H. C., Hsu, H. C. and Lu, T. W.* (2011) Bilateral changes in ground reaction forces in patients with unilateral anterior cruciate ligament deficiency during stair locomotion. Journal of Mechanics, 27(3): 437-445. (SCI)
57. Lin, H. C., Chang, C. M., Hsu, H. C., Lai, W. H. and Lu, T. W.* (2011) A new diagnostic approach using regional analysis of anterior knee laxity in patients with anterior cruciate ligament deficiency. Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy, 19(5): 760-767. (SCI)
58. Kuo, M. Y., Tsai, T. Y., Lin, C. C., Lu, T. W.*, Hsu, H. C. and Shen, W. C. (2011) Influence of soft tissue artifacts on the calculated kinematics and kinetics of total knee replacements during sit-to-stand. Gait and Posture, 33(3): 379-384. (SCI)
59. Kuo, M. Y., Lin, C. C., Hong, S. W., Tsai, T. Y., Hsu, H. C. and Lu, T. W.* (2011) In vivo three-dimensional kinematics of total knee replacements during open and closed kinetic chain activities. Biomedical Engineering - Applications, Basis and Communications, 23(4): 279-285. (SCI)
60. Kuo, C. C., Hsu, H. C., Hong, S. W. and Lu, T. W.* (2011) Biomechanical assessment of tension-band wiring for olecranon fractures. Biomedical Engineering - Applications, Basis and Communications, 23(1): 83-87. (SCI)
61. Hsieh, H. J.+, Lu, T. W.*,+, Chen, S. C., Chang, C. M. and Hung, C. (2011) A new device for in situ static and dynamic calibration of force platforms. Gait and Posture, 33(4): 701-705. (SCI) 【+: Co-first author】
62. Chen, S. C., Hsieh, H. J., Lu, T. W.* and Tseng, C. H. (2011) A method for estimating subject-specific body segment inertial parameters in human movement analysis. Gait and Posture, 33(4): 695-700. (SCI)
63. Chen, C. C., Chen, Y. J., Chen, S. C., Lin, H. S. and Lu, T. W.* (2011) Evaluation of soft-tissue artifacts when using anatomical and technical markers to measure mandibular motion. Journal of Dental Sciences, 6(2): 95-101. (SCI)
64. Chang, C. F., Wang, T. M., Wang, J. H., Huang, S. C. and Lu, T. W.* (2011) Adolescents after pemberton's osteotomy for developmental dysplasia of the hip displayed greater joint loading than healthy controls in affected and unaffected limbs during gait. Journal of Orthopaedic Research, 29(7): 1034-1041. (SCI)
65. Chang, C. F., Wang, T. M., Lo, W. C., Lu, T. W.*, Hong, S. W., Huang, C. H., Shieh, J. Y. and Huang, S. C. (2011) Balance control during level walking in children with spastic diplegic cerebral palsy. Biomedical Engineering - Applications, Basis and Communications, 23(6): 509-517. (SCI)
66. Yu, E. A., Hsu, P. P., Lu, T. W.*, Yeh, W. L. and Lin, K. H. (2010) Kinetic and kinematic analysis of stance with and without arm support in incomplete spinal cord injured subjects. Biomedical Engineering - Applications, Basis and Communications, 22(6): 465-474. (SCI)
67. Wang, T. M., Hsu, W. C., Chang, C. F., Hu, C. C. and Lu, T. W.* (2010) Effects of knee osteoarthritis on body's center of mass motion in older adults during level walking. Biomedical Engineering - Applications, Basis and Communications, 22(3): 205-212. (SCI)
68. Wang, T. M., Chen, H. L., Hsu, W. C., Liu, M. W. and Lu, T. W.* (2010) Biomechanical role of the locomotor system in controlling body center of mass motion in older adults during obstructed Gait. Journal of Mechanics, 26(2): 195-203. (SCI)
69. Tsai, T. Y.+, Lu, T. W.*,+, Chen, C. M., Kuo, M. Y. and Hsu, H. C. (2010) A volumetric model-based 2D to 3D registration method for measuring kinematics of natural knees with single-plane fluoroscopy. Medical Physics, 37(3): 1273-1284. (SCI) 【+: Co-first author】
70. Shih, K. S., Lin, S. C., Liu, Y. H., Chang, T. H., Hou, S. M. and Lu, T. W. (2010) Kinematic study of an innovative dynamic bridging wrist external fixator with arthrodiatasis. Journal of Mechanics, 26(2): 187-194. (SCI)
71. Shih, K. S., Lin, S. C., Chao, C. K., Lee, W. S., Lu, T. W. and Hou, S. M. (2010) Biomechanical influences of pin placement and elbow angle on hinge alignment and joint distraction of bridged elbow-pin-fixator construct. Journal of Biomechanics, 43(4): 757-763. (SCI)
72. Shih, K. S., Lee, W. S., Tseng, C. S., Lu, T. W.*, Hou, S. M. and Lin, S. C. (2010) Analysis of the concentric distraction and distraction loss of the bridged elbow by a dynamic fixator. Journal of Mechanics, 26(1): 105-112. (SCI)
73. Lu, T. W., Yen, H. C., Chen, H. L., Hsu, W. C., Chen, S. C., Hong, S. W. and Jeng, J. S. (2010) Symmetrical kinematic changes in highly functioning older patients post-stroke during obstacle-crossing. Gait and Posture, 31(4): 511-516. (SCI)
74. Lu, T. W.*, Wei, I. P., Liu, Y. H., Hsu, W. C., Wang, T. M., Chang, C. F. and Lin, J. G. (2010) Immediate effects of acupuncture on gait patterns in patients with knee osteoarthritis. Chinese Medical Journal, 123(2): 165-172. (SCI)
75. Liu, M. W., Hsu, W. C., Lu, T. W.*, Chen, H. L. and Liu, H. C. (2010) Patients with type II diabetes mellitus display reduced toe-obstacle clearance with altered gait patterns during obstacle-crossing. Gait and Posture, 31(1): 93-99. (SCI)
76. Lin, J. J., Hung, C. J., Yang, C. C., Chen, H. Y., Chou, F. C. and Lu, T. W.* (2010) Activation and tremor of the shoulder muscles to the demands of an archery task. Journal of sports sciences, 28(4): 415-421. (SCI)
77. Lin, H. C., Hsu, H. C., Chang, C. M., Chiou, P. W. and Lu, T. W.* (2010) Alterations of kinetic characteristics in step up and over test in patients with anterior cruciate ligament deficiency. Journal of Sports Science and Medicine, 9(3): 472-479. (SCI)
78. Hsu, W. C., Wang, T. M., Liu, M. W., Chang, C. F., Chen, H. L. and Lu, T. W. (2010) Control of body's center of mass motion during level walking and obstacle-crossing in older patients with knee osteoarthritis. Journal of Mechanics, 26(2): 229-237. (SCI)
79. Chiu, S. L., Lu, T. W. and Chou, L. S. (2010) Altered inter-joint coordination during walking in patients with total hip arthroplasty. Gait and Posture, 32(4): 656-660. (SCI)
80. Chen, C. T., Lin, J. G., Lu, T. W., Tsai, F. J., Huang, C. Y., Yao, C. H. and Chen, Y. S. (2010) Earthworm extracts facilitate pc12 cell differentiation and promote axonal sprouting in peripheral nerve injury. American Journal of Chinese Medicine, 38(3): 547-560. (SCI)
81. Chen, C. T., Lin, J. G., Lu, T. W., Huang, C. Y., Tsai, C. C., Yao, C. H. and Chen, Y. S. (2010) Effects of ligusticum chuanxiong on injured peripheral nerve in rats. Biomedical Engineering - Applications, Basis and Communications, 22(4): 315-320. (SCI)
82. Chen, C. H., Lin, K. H., Lu, T. W., Chai, H. M., Chen, H. L., Tang, P. F. and Hu, M. H. (2010) Immediate effect of lateral-wedged insole on stance and ambulation after stroke. American Journal of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 89(1): 48-55. (SCI)
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